Moving This Month to Valley View!
Lots of parking, ample classroom space mere steps from your car, better security, and in the artist-focused Valley View Center: our interim location has lots to offer! While we hope to be in our permanent location this winter, we are excited at the opportunities our Valley View location brings.
How to find us: the Craft Guild will be located on the LBJ/635 side of the mall, just to the left of the entrance to Sears. Look for us immediately on your left as you enter the mall, on the first floor.
While the mall has 24/7 security services, the Craft Guild is also hiring additional security for summer camps and for evening classes as we transition.
Our last classes in our current location will be the week of May 8 - 14. Please don't forget to take home all personal items on your last day of class this session; personal items left behind will be discarded. Ask your teacher how to handle any work in process. And - follow us on Facebook for the latest on the move and the opening of next session!
May 14 All personal items should be taken home
May 15 Moving begins!
June 1 Classes begin to open at new location
Clay students: please note the following dates:
May 8 Last day for glaze firing
May 11 Last day for bisque firing
Please remember to take ALL greenware, bisqued, and fired pieces home by May 14; pieces in process may be brought to your next class in our Valley View location to get back on their artistic journey.